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Reasons Your Small Business Should Be Blogging

Reasons Your Small Business Should Be Blogging

Okay, so maybe you’ve heard industry experts say if you have a small business you need to blog, but you just brushed it off as hype. “Sure,” you think, “In an ideal world, I’d be blogging, but I just don’t have the time.” Or maybe you’re concerned about the cost factor. Or that you won’t get the results you want for the amount of time you put into it. All of these are valid concerns but we have one thing to say in response: do it anyway.

With this in mind, we’re going to talk about some of the reasons why small businesses absolutely need a blog. If you don’t have one, you need to create one and get started right this second! No pressure or anything…

Reason #1: Show Off What You Know

Small businesses need blogs because they provide the perfect opportunity to show off your expertise. You obviously know something–you started a business! What expertise made this possible for you? What skills, tips, and tricks do you know about your industry that you can share to other people in your niche? What do you know that could be helpful to your customers?

Reason #2: Share The Latest News

Have something exciting to share about your company? Need to announce a new product? A blog is the perfect place to do that. It’s convenient, too. Yes, you’ll still want to submit your standard press releases but your blog is a quick way to directly communicate with your customers. What do you want them to know about what you have to offer? Plus, you can share info immediately. There’s no need to go through a PR agency here: just write up a post (at 3am if you want to) and press “publish.”

Reason #3: Easy SEO Opportunity

One thing small business owners have trouble with is populating their websites with fresh content on a regular basis. Having a blog means you can add new posts (content) whenever you want without having to worry about changing the site’s structure. Blogs are built on content management systems (CMS) which makes creating, updating, and moving around posts simple. You don’t have to be a webmaster to do it.

With a blog, you can also focus on search engine optimization or SEO. Create new posts that emphasize keywords you want to target. Download plugins for your blog that provide SEO tips as you write. Every new post you publish is another opportunity to have your site indexed by the search engines. This is essential if you want people to find your small business through organic search (when they open up Google and type in a query related to your business).

Reason #4: Attract Attention

Blogging is a quick way to attract attention for your small business. For starters, you’ll stand out from all of those other companies that don’t blog. And you increase the chances of writing something that a major media outlet would want to pick up and do a story on. By blogging, you make sure there is something for people to see when they look up your business. Without it, how else will people learn about you and what it is you do?

Reason #5: Create Shareable Content

The key to success online is creating content that is shareable, viral, or whatever else you want to call it. A blog is the best place to create content that people want to talk about and share with their friends. Whether it’s an insightful post about your industry, an interview with an interesting person, or an infographic that visually portrays data, the content you post on your blog can be shared with thousands of people via social media. Just think of all the fantastic exposure this will create for your business. Think of the opportunities it will create.

There you have it: 5 reasons you need to blog if you run a small business. What’s your excuse for not blogging again?

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