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10 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2017

10 Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2017

The internet is a constantly evolving medium, meaning that online marketing trends are constantly changing as well. To stay ahead of the game, great marketers must constantly keep up with these trends and ensure their business is one of the first to capitalize on a new marketing opportunity. To help keep you on the cutting edge, here are the top marketing trends 2017 will bring about:

Immersive Marketing 

Online content is becoming much more immersive. Technology such as virtual reality allows users to feel as if they are actually living out the experience, while 360 degree videos and live video also both provide an immersive, interactive experience.  Providing interactive content such as this to your customers will deepen the connection they have with your brand and make your marketing content much more engaging.

Augmented Reality / VR

A form of interactive content, VR has taken off so drastically that it deserves a category of its own. Already, marketers everywhere are making use of platforms such as Samsung’s Gear VR and the Oculus Rift, releasing everything from movie trailers to simple games centered around their brand. It’s a trend that will only continue to grow in 2017 and one that you should certainly capitalize on.

Native Advertising 

A form of content marketing, native advertising is the publishing of material in a publication that is very similar to the material that they normally publish except that it subtly promotes a product or brand and is paid for by the advertiser. It’s a been around for a while, but as traditional ads become less and less effective, look for native advertising to play an even more prominent role in 2017.

More Live Video

Thanks to platforms such as Facebook Live, live video is has become one of the hottest online trends, and businesses have been quick to capitalize on it. While the uninformed viewer may not be able to tell the difference in a video that is live and one that has been pre-recorded, something about knowing you are watching the events unfold in real time makes the content much more engaging. With the popularity of mobile video meaning that your customers will almost always be able to tune in to your live video, there’s no reason not to start making use of this new trend.


Wearable technology has had a bit of a rocky start. Nevertheless, more and more people are starting to embrace the trend, and 2017 could very easily be the year that wearables become mainstream, making now a better time than ever to develop ads for the wearable platform.

Mobile First

2016 was the first year ever that mobile traffic overtook desktop traffic. While optimizing for mobile has always been important, it’s more crucial now than ever before. For all but the most complex tasks, smartphones have become the go-to device. Targeting your ads towards the mobile crowd and placing an emphasis on mobile optimization is critical for the coming year.

Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing involves hiring a few key individuals to push your brand’s message and act as influencers to your target customers. As our society continues to place almost worship-level significance on certain celebrities and social influencers, influencer marketing will only become more effective.

Interactive Content 

People today bore more easily than ever before. By making your brand’s content interactive, though, you can hold their attention for much longer. Making your content interactive also forces people out of auto-pilot and requires them to engage and actually think about your content, making it much more influential.

Increased Personalization 

One of the most prevalent uses of big data is content personalization. Services such as Spotify have built their business around personalization, and Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many others all use personalization to target customers with the most effective possible ad. Cutting through the marketing noise continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing marketers in 2017, and increased personalization is one way to stand out.

Dense Content 

The attention span of the average person has reached astronomically low levels. Gone are the days where people would read through page after page of detailed, comprehensive content. Instead, we live in a world of skimming, scanning, and sharing content based only on the headline. To make content effective in times such as these, marketers must rely on dense content that manages to pack the heart of their message in as few words as possible. It’s the Twitter model (140 characters or less) of content marketing, and it looks like it’s here to stay.

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