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10 Must Have Tools For Web Designers

10 Must Have Tools For Web Designers

Web designers are a dime a dozen nowadays. With how valuable a marketing tool the internet has became, more and more companies are spending big bucks for their online presence. Social media is a part of everyone’s lives. So if you are a web designer what are some tools that you can use to give yourself an edge? Steve Jobs once said “design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works.” Web designers need to follow his advice to the letter to be successful because Jobs is right. The design needs to work. Here are the top 10 must-have tools for Web Designers.

Adobe Color CC is like paint swatches for your web applications. You can browse 1000’s of colors to find just the right color combinations for all your artistic needs. The site itself is very inspiring, and even offers suggestions when you need them.

Adobe Color CC

CodeKit is a fantastic type of software that allows you to build websites super fast. It takes the guess work out of programming by doing Sass, Less, Haml, Markdown, and Coffeescript for you. This program is also specifically for a Mac operating system.


EnjoyCSS  is a handy and easy-to-use UI that allows you to adjust rich graphical styles quickly and without coding. They also have their own gallery of CSS solutions that will allow you to experiment with style. Overall it’s a snap to use and very addictive. 


Foundation is front end framework at its best. Build products, apps, and services way faster with this easy to understand program. It’s also free to use, has many tutorials, and offers feedback from fellow users.


Google Fonts allows you to pick up a type of font anywhere, and use it on your projects with a simple one line of coding. The best part is that all the fonts are free of charge.

Google Fonts

MarvelApp is a free app that allows you to transform your designs into working prototypes. It also has a community like atmosphere that lets others give you feedback on your work. It’s known to be user friendly and concepts can easily come to life very quickly.


Lorem Ipsum is a free latin text generator that creates sentences for html programming. It’s fast and easy to use.


Webflow is a hosted platform that will let you come up with interactive websites visually, even if you don’t understand how to write any programming code. For coding beginners this website is very helpful.


Metrize icons is a massive collection of 300 metro-style icons in multiple file formats.


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