
How to Scale Your Content Creation on Budget

If you are a brand or business and you aren’t involved in content creation, you need to get moving, because your competition is doing it and in droves. But before…

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Four Emerging Trends That Will Heavily Impact Digital Marketing

Digital platforms are changing rapidly. Just recently Facebook announced a drastic change to their algorithm that is causing waves in the industry. It is no longer enough to stay up to…

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7 Essential Web Development Tools

I don’t know about you, but for me, dabbling in anything related to web development can be both extremely fun and extremely frustrating. Here at WDB Agency, we always look…

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Delete your Facebook account or protect your data?

Like pretty much anything else, Facebook has its pros and cons. Facebook has made a huge impact on communication, especially between family members and friends. We share our thoughts, pictures,…

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Make your website content a priority and not an afterthought

For many clients we work with, content production often comes as an afterthought. We often hear “Oh, content is not a problem, we have so much of it. It will…

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What Google's Mobile-First Index Means For Your Marketing Strategy?

This week Google announced that after year and half of careful experimentation and testing they started to migrate sites that follow best practices to mobile first indexing. Mobile first indexing…

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5 Website Audit Tools for Easy Content Analysis and Website Optimization

No matter the industry you’re in, it is vital that you conduct website audits every now and then to make sure that your website is staying relevant and effective, producing…

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The Next Customer Data Frontier – Internet of Things

Remember the 1999 original movie Smart House? In case you don’t, here is the scoop. Ben Cooper enters a competition to win a smart house after the death of his…

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WDB Agency Shines as a Top Boston Designer and Marketer in Clutch Press Release

The reviews are coming! The reviews are coming! Though we are not Paul Revere atop our steed on a midnight ride, we are here to alert you of WDB’s storming…

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How Brands Leverage Ever Growing Appetite For Video

It’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is on the rise. YouTube is now the second-largest search engine on the web. While video marketing is often an afterthought,…

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Infographic templates you can download and use for FREE

Infographics are extremely popular these days. They are one of the best ways to present information in graphical form. For a designer, infographics mean creating hundreds of big and small…

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What is a Xennial Generation – New Marketing Opportunity

A lot has been written about American generations starting with the “Lost Generation” (those who fought in WWI) to Millennials. However, one of the “sandwiched” generations was discovered just recently.…

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The Art of Storytelling – Your Best Content Marketing Strategy

We all enjoy a good story even if what we define as a “good story” differs significantly from person to person. Personally, I am a big fan of the “Great…

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Consumer Privacy GDPR and Ways it Affects Your Marketing Program

Just this morning I found 6 different emails in my mailbox regrading terms of service changes. Twitter, eBay, Linkedin, Airbnb and others are updating their privacy and payment policies ahead…

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What Superman Can Teach Marketers About Storytelling

Superman first appeared in 1938, on the cover of Action Comics #1, smashing a car into a mountain in an image that has become permanently engraved in the pop-culture. He is one…

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B2B vs B2C Web Design Key Differences and What Works

By now it is clear to everyone that the word design does not simply fit into the "beautification of objects" any longer. Every experience we have online and offline is…

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Your Private Messages on Facebook Accessed by Tech Companies

It seems that the cycle of Facebook troubles continues and now it is our private messages. New York Times investigation revealed that for years Facebook allowed Microsoft’s Bing see the…

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To Nest or Not to Nest

We all love the convenience that technology delivers. Push of a button, a car arrives to pick you up, buy with one click, monitor your house via Nest security camera.…

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Everything You Need to Know About Content Operations

Creating intriguing, relevant, and optimized content requires a lot of work - especially if you are producing it on a large scale. Just the task of sourcing content ideas can…

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How much Mexican DNA is in you?

AeroMexico, Mexican national carrier, unveiled a program called "DNA Discounts," which offers discounts on flights to Americans who can show that they have Mexican heritage by taking DNA test. The…

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