Design and Visuals

Stable Bike Lock

Long, bendy, hard-cored and smooth to touch

Protect your bike without compromising your ride.

Let's Talk

The Challenge

In cities as big as New York and as small as Vienna, Virginia, more people than ever are riding to work, to grab groceries, or for an espresso across town. Stable Bike Lock wanted to celebrate this two-wheeled revolution by starting an advertising campaign with a very clear message “Your bike will be safe when you come back to it”.  


The Solution

We worked with the executive team to align visuals with the message to create visual voice that would inspire and engage. Our design team crafted multiple ideas. Many of them were good but, one really got the team inspired. If you are casual biker, it will inspire you as well.


Wonder what we could do for you?

Let's start a conversation

90% of our customers come back, 95% of new customers are referrals and 100% have credited our work and exceptional service.